CADify - CAD Drafting Services
Outsourced CAD drafting services for UK businesses like yours!
What do we do?
We offer a background outsourced CAD drafting service, that makes it easy for your company to provide professional CAD generated drawings to your clients, quickly and cost effectively.
How do we do it:
We can take any material sketches or paper drawings you have, and produce them to the latest CAD standard file formats. Your sketches can be hand-markup, red-line prints, archive documents or existing CAD drawings that need updating, even the proverbial 'back of a fag packet' scribble.
If we can make sense out of it, we'll draft your sketches up as standard CAD drawing files that you can present to your clients. Our CAD drafting services are an ideal tool for businesses that have to produce drawings but have neither the time, work space, trained personnel, budgets or facilities for computer aided drawing production.
With skilled people available, we can remove that worry from your projects, and let you get on with more important things
In all cases, we pride ourselves on producing an excellent standard of work at a fair price.
Why not try us?
Can we help you?
See more details of how we can solve your drawing production and presentation problems on our CAD solutions page.
We can provide quotations for any size jobs, from single page CAD drawings to multi-sheet CAD drawing packages.
If you think we can help your company, then please contact us to discuss your requirements.
We look forward to hearing from you.